Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects

at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IASP)

The Institute for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (IASP) is an interdisciplinary research institution under the legal and economic sponsorship of the non-profit Association for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects (A.S.P.). The IASP was founded in 1996 as a private institute at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin ("An-Institute").

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Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:


Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:

Latest News

🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend

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🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

at our experimental station in Berge

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🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH

Felix Schulze-Varnholt, Lara Boye
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🆕 Innovation Day

IASP presented vegan cheese

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🥗 World Food Day

We develop new products in the food industry

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🤝 Successful networking

Long-term cooperation with the Bundesverband GebäudeGrün

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Latest News


🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend


🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH


🥗 World Food Day

🥗 World Food Day

We develop new products in the food industry


🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

at our experimental station in Berge


🆕 Innovation Day

🆕 Innovation Day

IASP presented vegan cheese


📋 Call for entries for the 2023 sponsorship awards

📋 Call for entries for the 2023 sponsorship awards

Creative ideas of students should be enabled.



♾️ Austausch über Geflügelphysiologie

Agrarforscher aus Togo zu Gast am IASP

Austausch über GeflügelphysiologieAustausch über Geflügelphysiologie
Dr. Stefan Köhler, Dr. Abidi Bilalisse und PD Dr. Barbara Tzschentke

♾️ Berlin-Havanna-Konnektion

Neue Kooperation in der Biotechnologie

Dr. Ileana Pereda und Anabel Sánchez inmitten ihrer Kolleginnen und Kollegen vom IASP

🧀 Geschmack durch Fermentation

Käseersatz aus hiesigen Rohstoffen

Geschmack durch FermentationGeschmack durch Fermentation

🔴 Wurzelgemüse statt Wurst

Fermentation von Gemüse als Wurstersatz

Projekt FerBeetProjekt FerBeet
Blick in den Reifeschrank

⭐ Wissenschaft ist mehr als Fachwissen

Clara Hümmer und unser Kuba-Projekt

Clara HümmerClara Hümmer
Unsere neue Mitarbeiterin „Internationale Arbeit“ bei der Arbeit in der peruanischen NGO CANAT (dt. Hilfszentrum für arbeitende Kinder und Jugendliche)

✅ Jobangebot

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Food (m/w/d)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter FoodWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Food