Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects

at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IASP)

The Institute for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (IASP) is an interdisciplinary research institution under the legal and economic sponsorship of the non-profit Association for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects (A.S.P.). The IASP was founded in 1996 as a private institute at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin ("An-Institute").

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Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:


Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:

Latest News

🌱 Sustainable urban greening

Our services in the field of urban greenery

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🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

Successful presentation at the Innovation Day

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🚴‍♂️Innovative cycle path formulas

A success for the ZIM innovation network

Innovative cycle path formulations made from recycled material
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🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend

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🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

European Poultry Conference

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🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH

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Latest News


🌱 Sustainable urban greening

🌱 Sustainable urban greening

Our services in the field of urban greenery


🚴‍♂️Innovative cycle path formulas

🚴‍♂️Innovative cycle path formulas

A success for the ZIM innovation network


🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

European Poultry Conference


🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

Successful presentation at the Innovation Day


🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend


🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH



📚 KI gegen Bodenverdichtungen

DigiRoot-Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen

DigiRoot-Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossenDigiRoot-Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen
Luftaufnahmen des Parzellenfeldversuchs vom 19.09.2024 (Ackersenf)

🤝 Zusammenarbeit für eine bessere Umwelt

Referenz von HanseGrand

referenz HanseGrand referenz HanseGrand

⭐ Forschungspreis für IASP-Team

Marktnahes Projekt überzeugt Jury

Forschungspreis für IASP-TeamForschungspreis für IASP-Team
Präsenation des Forschungsvorhabens FerBeet © Frank Gaedecke

🆕 Neuer Standort: Alte Mälzerei

Neue Möglichkeiten, neue Perspektiven!

Neuer Standort: Alte MälzereiNeuer Standort: Alte Mälzerei
Unser Labor ist im Einsatz

🏆 Frauenpower für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft

Renommierter Messe-Award an Annika Behler

Frauenpower für nachhaltige LandwirtschaftFrauenpower für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
"Women in Agriculture"-Award 2024

🔎 Stellenausschreibung

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)
