Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects

at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IASP)

The Institute for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (IASP) is an interdisciplinary research institution under the legal and economic sponsorship of the non-profit Association for Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects (A.S.P.). The IASP was founded in 1996 as a private institute at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin ("An-Institute").

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Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:


Research and development at the IASP are mostly interdisciplinary and very application-oriented. Strategically, the IASP works on four thematic fields (research priorities) to which the development projects and research assignments are assigned:

Latest News

🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

European Poultry Conference

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🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH

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🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

Successful presentation at the Innovation Day

Lively interest in our innovative and healthy product development FerBeet
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🥗 World Food Day

We develop new products in the food industry

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🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend

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🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

at our experimental station in Berge

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Latest News


🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

European Poultry Conference


🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

🔴 FerBeet: innovative & healthy

Successful presentation at the Innovation Day


🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

🌡️ Global warming at all-time high

Temperature measurements in Berge confirm the trend


🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

🤝 Cooperation for biodiversity

Collaboration with Artenglück GmbH


🥗 World Food Day

🥗 World Food Day

We develop new products in the food industry


🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

🇬🇷 Talented interns from Greece

at our experimental station in Berge



📗 Einfach ein Evergreen

Zwei studentische Exkursionen auf unser Gründach

Einfach ein EvergreenEinfach ein Evergreen
Volker Minks (li), Susanne Herfort (2.v.l.) und Studierende aus 6 Ländern

🤝 Forschung und Politik im Gespräch

Besuch von MdB Annika Klose am IASP

Annika Klose zu Besuch am IASPAnnika Klose zu Besuch am IASP
Dr. Andreas Muskolus, Leiter unserer Versuchsstation, MdB Annika Klose, Tanja Lux, Leiterin unseres Technikums, und Dr. Stefan Köhler, Geschäftsführer des IASP (v.l.n.r.)

🐣 Our contribution to poultry science

European Poultry Conference

Our contribution to poultry scienceOur contribution to poultry science
Our colleague, Dr Barbara Tzschentke, EPC2024

🥓 Tradition trifft Innovation

Erfolgreicher Technologie-Transfer nach Trebbin

Fläming-Schinken: Tradition trifft InnovationFläming-Schinken: Tradition trifft Innovation
Rohschinken-Versuchsmuster aus dem Projekt „Fläming-Schinken“

🐣 Unser Beitrag zur Geflügelwissenschaft

European Poultry Conference 2024

European Poultry Conference EPC2024European Poultry Conference EPC2024
Unsere Mitarbeiterin, Frau Dr. Barbara Tzschentke, EPC2024

🇨🇺 Wissenschaft verbindet

Kooperation zwischen HU Berlin und CUJAE Havanna

Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José A. Echeverría" (CUJAE),Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José A. Echeverría" (CUJAE),